Adding the Bank Account and Assigning to 1+ Property
- Under Payments, the landlord will go to the Settings option in the left-hand corner and choose Add Bank Account.
- Fill out the form, including Name, Account Number, and Routing number. Choose Assign to Select Properties.
- If the landlord does not wish to accept credit card payments, they may choose the Only Allow ACH Payment to this Account checkbox
- This may be updated at a later time by going to Property --> Update Property --> update payment method here:
- Upload a voided check or bank letter for review
- Choose Add Bank Account
- Check email for affidavit stating that there is no ownership change between original bank account and new bank account
Signing the Affidavit
These fields are required and below are the details of what is needed:
- Name of Landlord: This is the signor/account holder. This is the name that was originally provided when the landlord onboarded
Type of organization of Landlord: This must be the same as the DDA used to originally onboard in MXC
- Example: If Landlord A and Landlord B both own 50% of the company onboarded in MXC, Landlord A & Landlord B must own 50% of all new bank accounts
- State of Formation: The state the organization was formed in.
- Name and Percentage of Ownership: Only one name per field. If more than one owner, the landlord will need to add one name per one field and add the percentage in the right-hand column.
- Title and Date of Current Agreement with Priority: Priority will add this. The landlord does not need to.
- Name, State, and Address of new Subsidiaries: If it is not an LLC and is a single owner, this can be that name.
- Landlord Name: Either the indivdiual name or the company name, depending on the setup.
- By: Signature
- Name: Name of the Signor
- Title: Title of Signor
- Date: Date of signing. This will be pre-filled with the date.
What to Expect Next?
- Our Underwriting team will review the submitted information
- We will reach out if any clarification is needed
- Once approved, ACH payments will be direct to the appropriate bank account.
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