There are a couple of ways to add a new property.
Route #1
The first is adding it before you place the screening order. Go to the PROPERTIES section of your dashboard and choose the "Add New Property" option in the top, right-hand corner.
That will take you to a form.
You will have the option of entering a "single property" or "property with multiple units." If your rental is a single family home or a single apartment/condo/etc in a building that you do not own another rental in, you will choose that "single property" option.
If you own an apartment building or own several units within that building, you'll want to choose the "property with multiple units" so that you may file all units under the main address.
Route #2
If you are in the process of ordering a tenant screening and realize that you haven't added that new property yet, we have you covered! Simply choose the "Add New Property" button in the screening order form and the form will drop down so that you may enter the information required.
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